Friday 25 March 2011

Question 7- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel I have progressed a long way since the prelimary tasks have learnt a lot since my preliminary coursework. Before I had decided what direction I wanted to take with the brief (film opening or print media), I prepared with two separate prelimary tasks to prepare myself for the choice I make.

I produced a magazine cover which consisted of selecting an interesting image I had taken in the past. I decided to use an image of an interesting skyscraper building I had seen in Canada. From choosing this image I now needed to decide the genre of my magazine; and from being interesting about fashion and style’s magazines such as Esquire; I decided to base it on an architectural magazine. My target was too produce a ‘clean cut’ looking magazine because my magazine would be targeted at designers and anyone interested in the architecture and design. I was pleased my finalised draft for a magazine cover, however I realised that I wanted to explore further and see whether I would be more appealed by the moving image task.

The ‘moving image’ prelimary task was kept nice and simple, focusing more on work with the camera, shot types/angles, as well as working on iMovie in order to gain experience working with the movie editing software. I found the prelimary task very constructive I was made aware how important continuity and working with a number of varied shot types was in order simply to prevent the film from seeming boring. These two specific points were developed onto our film and after some careful analysis checking for any continuity errors, I can’t seem to pick any errors in layout etc. from our film which is very pleasing as a director of the film.

An important point to highlight from the prelimary task is the fact that our film cannot truly be compared with professional material in which full-time trained staff working hundreds of hours each are given small roles in the production of a film, and so we needed to make sure our film was not too complicated, because it simply won’t work out. Therefore the ideas that we thought up for our film needed to be within reason so that they weren’t going to affect the quality of our film, and for this purpose we have not placed huge expectations from our thriller opening because it simply cannot be compared to work of the professionals quite yet. However I feel there has been good progress from the prelimary task and our final produce, and so I believe we can take more positive from the progression into the final product. From my point of view I am pleased with my groups film and I feel it has fit in with the qualities found in the thriller genre.

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